
Friday, October 7, 2011

Bike ride along the Andes - day 1

Day 1 – October 6th and 7th – From Buenos Aires to Junin de los Andes

It was a tough day running for office meetings across Buenos Aires. Once at home took a bit to eat ran to the bus depot.

For the first time, I was at the Bus Terminal of Buenos Aires: Retiro. This is a very important cross point for all those getting to the city. Almost lost, found myself at the platform where the bus to our start point was going to leave. There I met with my first streck companions: Adriana, Sergio, Silvia and Alejandro.

With 45 minutes delay we borded the “tuttoletto” bus to Junin de los Andes: 1610 km.
The beginning of the long weekend and a heavy rainstorm hindered our way out of Buenos Aires. The most annoying part was that because of some protesters four hours after our departure we were barely outside the city.
Once on the National Route number 5 we drove into the night and through 9 de Julio, Trenque Lauquen, Santa Rosa and across the desert. The service beside the delay was very nice and kind, way better than on most reknown airlines. Marcelino, the bus trip assistant, was very kind and we had the chance to socialize with the rest of the group. Adriana who was seating next to me is a gynecologist mother of 2 and her oldest one Victoria an artist of 22 had just moved to Barcelona few days before. Silvia and Alejandro old high school friends decided to spend this time away for the fun of the open air. Silvia is mother of 3 and married twice; Ale is father of one and has a car dealership. Lat but not least, Sergio, father of 3 and a fourth one on the way, who is a gym trainer and fisioterapist. Beside the dinner we shared the typical social Argentinean drink: mate.
The night ride was a bit shaky because of the heavy rain along the road. We woke up shortly before Cipolletti (Rio Negro). It was funny and a bit weird to find myself in the same area after having been in the area on my first business trip.

The view of the mountains and of the Lanin particularly were the background of the desertic landscape and, driving through Cutral Co, we saw the dinosaurs museum and some oil fields.

Finally after 24 hours from the original departure time we made it to Junin.


There Fer and Gaby (Adrenalina 100%) were waiting for us at the cabañas.
At the same time, there was Pepe the owner of Millenium Bike who drove the van with our bikes from Buenos Aires and was going to be our valuable technical support during the 3 day-ride
The location was magnificent right next to the Chimehuin river which has been overflowing its bed thanks to the snow starting to melt.

There we “tested” the water with our feet.

After our "baptism" in the local water we went for a short bike ride to get acquainted with the local environment.

The entire group was then finally there and tomorrow we have our first streck: 110km!

for more pictures check this out!

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