
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Death of Democracy

All the latest news about the Italian and Greek situation, push me to write once again about the final defeat of the supreme and sacred concept of Democracy.

Strange enough the two cradles of Western and Modern civilization are being definitively ambushed and subdued by hordes of barbarians, with the unique interest of feasting on the ashes of their superior conquerors.

It goes without saying that the leaders expressed by the Italians and the Greeks in the past 60 years, were not capable of restoring any of the values that made the two lands home of the brightest minds.

Well, enough of weeping! Let's act!

We the silent middle class will be, once more, the milking cows for the greedy bankers and financial speculators (new form of culture-less barbarians) of the North (France, Germany, England and the US) just for the sake of a supposedly superior equilibrium.

Our politicians have lost their backbones (if they have ever had one!!!!!) to yield their priorities and prerogatives as representatives of the People. They are accepting measures and decisions taken by a "selected" (by whom???) group of people to exploit us for their larger and unmeasurable wealth.(read more about: The Bilderberg during their last meeting in June 2011 and the British Invisibles)

We are letting them do so!

We the People....the actual descendants of those great ones who taught the World how to progress and learn!

Technocratic governments are taking over legally elected ones (listen to this contribution). They are expression of those groups that consider us, the People, only "useful dummies" (cfr: Palmiro Togliatti - Italian Communist Party Founder, Leader and still a Reference for the Lefties) because we delegate them the power of representing us.

Complacent newspapers' editors and directors have poisoned the mind of the people addressing to them "scapegoat" so  that the people's rage would be directed away from the real usurpers.

For sure the present leaders did not help with their attitudes to limit these overwhelming indecent and dark powers.

The only thing that could lead us out of these troubles waters and times is to start believing once again in ourselves, our positive powers and our traditions, nourishing them with new and fresher energy.

Let's stand up against this new exploitation.

If you can join the meeting held Saturday November 12th in a theater in Milan for the leadership of the People, please do so!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even Lefties analysts agree with this post: