
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Is Goldman Sachs mastering Climate Change hoax?

Few weeks back, I wrote a post about the deep questions that Global warming theory is generating with its inconsistency (read Global warming or Global Hoax)

In the meantime, Canada has officially dropped out of the Kyoto Protocol, as anticipated in the press.  This move seemed very inconsistent with the new trends of the US, where Barack Obama has been calling for stronger support to the "Green Economy".

In search of answers, I stumbled in the interesting and mind-opening article by Matt Taibbi on Rolling Stones titled "The Great American Bubble Machine". In his article Mr. Taibbi recalls the role played by Goldman Sachs as master-minder of all the financial bubbles that impacted the World economy starting with the great depression of 1929.

He defines Goldman as "The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."

At the end of the article, we finally get the the key point about the environmental plan called "cap-and-trade". This program strongly sponsored by Goldman would turn the CO2 credits into commodities to be speculatively traded and henceforth generate a new bubble.

As reported "the firm spent $3.5 million to lobby climate issues" and has bought companies and participations anticipating the the path where money would flow once the tap will open.

From this perspective, it is worth to reconsider Al Gore's Nobel Prize (what about Obama's preventive one on Peace!!!!) at the same time of all the catastrophic announcements about the Global Warming.

Bottom line, free market exists only for middle-class people to put their money and lose them for the advantage of few, which will be supported by politicians previously "aligned" with carefully planned strategies (watch "Inside Job"). Global Warming is just another hoax and tax-payers will be there to generate richness to fuel Goldman's Machine, in a typical Matrix scheme.

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