
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Regalo di Natale: una preghiera per Andrew


in questa Vigilia di Natale vorrei chiedervi di pregare per Andrew che sta attraversando una fase molto critica della sua battaglia contro un male "recidivo"

Ecco come lo descrive la sorella:

He is 35. Has an amazing wife & 2 beautiful children ages 3 & 1.  He loves to play soccer ( he was a fantastic goal keeper) he loves to surf, snow board, water ski, and play hockey.  He loves the Red Sox & the Bruins. He has been running my dads contracting business for five years and has built some amazing houses, including my moms. 

He has the most amazing smile & eyes...part angel part devil... ;) he lights up a room and makes everyone feel better when he is around.  He is a loyal friend.

He is my bratty wonderful amazing pain in the ass little brother who makes my life colorful!
Aprendo i regali di Natale e condividendo momenti di gioia vera pensate anche ad Andrew e condividete questo messaggio con altri.

Che Iddio vi benedica nel giorno del Santo Natale

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